I am there, You are not Alone….

A perfect life is a dream to everyone. One who holds that feels to have achieved it. A dream of having a good family, relationships, job and so on. Everything around is identified to determines his existence. He is happy.

Everyday is not same as what was yesterday. New experiences and connections makes it different. When it meets with our expectations, one deems it to be good. Otherwise, ends up with bad emotions. This cycle of things goes around us all the time. But, one continues to strive to have the best life always.

We are conditioned right from the birth to be connected with World around. The first embrace of the mother to people connected as we grew up.The connections to people or materialistic things to prove our identity. Not a single moment, when one is awake plans to be alone. Life doesn’t give this choice to be in this state always. Sometimes, situation makes us to be alone or circumstance pushes us to loneliness. Seldom, we find ourselves disconnected, even when all are around. One would have experienced this, when walking in busy market streets. You are all alone.

One tries to beat loneliness in every way possible. As,it is difficult to be alone with your mind talking to yourself. A fear sets in to face our own mind. To get away, We try to hook on to social media through Internet or watching TV or try to be in the company of people who really don’t add value to life. World has become so busy or pretending to be busy that, not really anyone has any time for others. More we approach to all these, more disappointment. More loneliness than before, bringing in bitterness to hate oneself.

Changing our belief system to be connected outside of us for not to be alone needs to be changed. A small steps to connect with oneself through meditation, learning music or individual sports or anything that brings out better of us. That will give a great strength of confidence to be on our own. Learning to be in gratitude is another good way. Expect nothing from outside for what you have done. We have come into this World for giving, not for taking. Be part of dream of the God to play role as per His dream with braveness.

Many chooses to spent time in religious ceremonies or prayers to be connected with God. Certainly, it is good thing to do so, when you are alone. Being alone can become a powerful tool to discover oneself. It is not advocated here to make choice to be alone. But, when loneliness becomes beyond your choice, one has to raise up to face it.

There is an inner calling within you to connect with your inner self . The inner Voice says “I am there, You are not alone…”. When you connect, you find the best companion to travel with. You are never alone anytime.


Written by  : Ram ~ Ramesh Kumar K

Founder and Chairman , Aikya-Oneness Foundation

Reach the author on : Socialservices@aikya-oneness.org