When you talk about death, people always get a monstrous notion and develop a bad feeling. Many of us believe that ghost is nothing but our experience linked to death. Every human being is a formation of two elements – one is physical from that is the body, and the other one is motivating energy. The motivating energy or power is a spiritual aspect of life, and it is invisible. We only experience this power through our soul. Precisely that is the reasoning soul is given utmost importance as compared to mind and body. When a person dies, or his physical form or the body decomposes, the soul or the ideal form transmigrates from one body, here from the body of the deceased person to another body. It is a part of the universe, and consider as a charge of the process. It is this knowledge related to death after life provides us the power to function. V.R. Krishna Iyer, the formal judge of the Supreme Court, says, “Physical termination is not physical extinction death is not the cessation of life; it is only a punctuation.”
The Bhagwad Gita says, ”Never was the spirit born; neither will it cease to be;/it is beyond time; ends and beginnings the dreams;/ Birthless, deathless and changeless remains the soul forever;/Death hath not touched it at all, dead though the house of it seems.” Our soul is the energy of life. Many people have a wrong notion that soul resides in the body. In the spiritual eye, the soul is the envelope of the body. The spirit provides us the functional energy what one must do, and what one must not do. In other words, it is the navigation force of your life. What is right or correct for you may not be right or correct for another person. The soul neither be created nor destroyed. It is immortal whereas the body is not. The soul is indestructible. As per the metaphysics, the energy gets transmuted from one medium to another. The people, who achieve higher realm of life, practice the transfer of power – it is known as transmigration of souls. The Gita says, “In death, all are not equal – circumstances, age, the maturity of the deceased, all these factors determine post-death consequences.” One who has completed his responsibilities of life with full conviction, morality, and often provides his helping hand to others in their distress leads a happy life on this earth. Again a person who has no unfulfilled desires or any regrets and led, a happy life – when he dies, his soul gets eternal sleep, and it goes millions of miles above the stratosphere and reaches the land of bliss. Finally, the man joins the celestial world which is the abode of ancestors of the right heart. It is, of course, a mythological explanation in the line of pure and reincarnation thoughts. Of course, their souls need to pass through some correction centers en route to answer some omissions or commissions when they alive. Although it is a part of any soul, because of their all along good deeds, they get to escape from reincarnation. It is a part of any living soul when they finish their worldly life. When you bury all your desires, wishes, sensual gratifications and feelings for your beloved beings which include your parents, spouse, and children, the birth-death cycle does not make any sense to you because that period ends with God realization.
In the land of heavenly bliss, the departed souls do not enjoy the God related life forever. They reincarnate, but that depends on the pros and cons of the actions taken by them during their lives on the earth. The people who commit suicide because of any reason cannot reach the pleasant land of heavenly grandeur which is the kind of spiritual manifestation, and their souls don’t qualify to leave the world, and the evil spirits of their souls wander as a floating ghost until someone gives it a light transmission. Now, many people who are firm believers in science, and its technological advancement do not consider this argument at all, but this is a fact. Based on the evil spirits, these souls roam around mainly on the surroundings of their beloved family members and the causes on which they commit suicide. We also opine that once the body gets burned, and the soul extinguishes, how it is possible for the evil spirit to wander, but it is a fact. Why? Because no one even the near and dear of the evil spirit does not want to communicate with a free spirit. Depending on nature and the circumstances as explained above, the character and nature of evil spirits or ghosts differ; a ghost is always a ghost, and it is a fearful proposition. Based on their potency, these ghosts may not be necessarily harmful. They can cause harm, but not necessarily. They can be friendly. The nature of the spirits depends upon its origin.
The ghosts are identified based on their potency and characteristics. Mostly, we term them as ghosts, goblins, gnomes, ghouls, vampires, witches, imps, werewolves and wild spirits. There are several manifestations possible in the period after death, and these remain a mystery to all of us till date. They can be very revenging types, cruel and also harmful or they could be entirely harmless, and it all depends on their origin. Further, there are also a rowdy and notorious bunch of ogres, demons, and dwarfs who do not cause any harm, but they play mischief and act as a prankster to unnerve any person even a courageous one. They also do these tricks without your knowledge, and that is why you become panicky. On the other side, we come across many sweet angels who constitute the hierarchy in the Hindu mythology, and they do not create any troubles to the human beings. Mostly, they are bodhisattvas, and they visit this world to show the light of angels to the people how to lead a life of enlightenment. So, it is entirely in your hand what effect you like to have after your death – an angel spirit or a demon spirit.
Written by Mr.Buddhadeb Basu
You may reach the author on buddhasweet@gmail.com