Darkness …by Spiritual Veda

Today evening while looking at the sun set from my apartment balcony, the sun was paving way for the beautiful darkness. Slowly and gradually the beautiful darkness was all around as sun said good bye for the day on my side. In fact, Sun and Moon are the only two permanent witnesses who watch over our deeds. During the day, it is sun and in the night it is the moon, and the fact that at times,  there is no moon day or eclipse on sun, proving and showing that we all can be totally engulfed by darkness. But, it is always temporary,need to accept.
The whole journey of the world is of losing that which we have to attain and what we already have. We will not be aware of it till we lose it once,and the day we find it,  we are again in the process of losing it because,  once we achieved we tend to forget that it will never be with us always,
This has to be learned, accepting, we have to become so wide that we should accept all, even death, even the darkness, only then will the light arrive. The moment we have accepted the night totally and there is no seeking for the morning, the morning has come. This is how it comes, this is the way of its coming.
Morning always arrives, even if we do not spend our night in waiting for morning, rather than accepting the beauty of night and the darkness. Because,  life is not static. If it would have been, then we would have never needed meditation. The mind would do. But life is a flux, a movement and every moment it is changing and becoming new. If we miss a moment, we have missed.
Love all that life contains,if it is happening. It is for a reason and if it is not happening, it is also for a reason. True light emerges from within. Be an awareness. Time for me to close my eyes and meditate,with Om Namah Shivay mantra in the backdrop at my home, accepting and allowing everything within in it to be and of the moment, enjoying eternal bliss always.
Have a day of wonderful, smiling and full of light.
– Written by Spiritual Veda ( Contact the author on Linked In)