Time doesn’t rest. Whether one notice it or not. It is always on the move. That is how our life is, when we stepped into this World. Our life just doesn’t stop till retiring to bed permanently. The question arises as to, are we in pace with time which is in tandem with our life. Many would say “No”.
The days moves into weeks and weeks into months and years into decades and so on. Living life as just an another day, is wastefully spending time without enjoying its abundance.That goes back to see whether we are aware of abundance life can offer. We have more food than possibly can consume, more money than to expend, more people to meet than one can, move love to share and get than one can think of. Still there is a discontentment in one’s life. A sense of missing something that they don’t have in the midst of abundance blessed to us. Just being in a crowd and finding ourselves lonely. This loneliness is felt by most of us today and to avoid that, doing things which is not valuable to us. That creeps in more discontentment, blocking us to receive more. A path of self-destruction unknowingly.
Gratitude is one simple step to achieve abundance in our life. The very thought of being grateful for even breathing is the beginning. When one steps up to look deep, probably one will not have time to pen down the long list of things that can be grateful for.
I am destined to suffer or be in same state all my life is the thought most of us engulfed with. This is another thought blocks progress of one’s life. One is bestowed with so much power to create what he wants. Everyone is born with equal opportunity, then why some are more successful and others.The answer is within us. Those realized the power within, flew high. It is wonderful watching how animals take care of new born. They make the little ones realize its power to stand on their own legs for survival. Somewhere down the line, we lost of our survival instinct, since the day we started walking as a baby. Blaming it on our destiny and others for all our failures.
It is time to consolidate all our success and failures of the past and use the lessons to build up a new future. Be an “Yes” man to every new opportunity that falls on your way diligently and walk on the road of success whether it is career, relationship or otherwise. Change is the only constant. When one steps up to change, he finds new things happening in life. The fear of losing our identity with change props up always. Change does bring discomfort, but ends up with comfort.
Make a New beginning to…
- Love yourselves more than ever before. The past stories of failures, guilt and shame be thrown away. Those have nothing to do in this present moment.
- Love others more than you have done before. That will only reinforce the amount of love you have within you. Unless you have, you cannot give. Giving is Loving.
- Never hurt anyone. Be it loved ones or otherwise. Playing with others feelings may push us to lose them permanently. Be the love always. The soul only knows to love. If you are exhibiting anything other than love, then it is your ego. Be aware and drop that.
- Believe the power in you. The heart is the center of this power. Listen to your heart and success be your path.
- Be grateful for everything you have. Life gives the best always and every time.
By Col Ramesh Kumar K (Retd)
Founder and Chairman (Aikya-Oneness Foundation)
reach the author on ram@aikya-oneness.org
Thanks for the nice article and well expressed.
Unless on gets up and walk in their own path, no one would get the realization. One need to start leaving everything behind which is useless to the self growth (spiritual) and start opening the mind to grab new learnings. Expertise comes with Experience and Exploring…. Those who Explore, Experience will expertise in each moment of life and then such people only get positive energies coming in while living in the present moment surrendering the self to God. Unless the identity goes off, no effort can get the human into godly spirit.
Have a wonderful year ahead with full of positive energies.
Very well expressed ! Have a Blissful New Year with a new beginning !!