A Journey in Mother’s Womb is a Life of Surrender

A being in the womb surrender’s to the will of the mother for its existence. He develops all faith and trust that she will take care of his needs and protect him. When the baby is born, it cries not because it is happy coming into the World. But,

knowing the hard truth that the journey for the soul has begun in this World of duality.

Is the life so difficult to live? The life of surrender what it learnt in the womb gets undone filled with fear. The ego in it’s subdue form becomes bloated with the experiences and knowledge gained living with other beings and life situations. When one closely look himself, he reflects every personality who have touched his life. Collectively, he develops multiple personality and continues to be, which do not balance between inner self and his outer projection to outer World. What is that one reason for such existence? It is due to projection of fear by the ego. Ego is a pseudo of true self, which always finds its existence by giving oneself unhappy.

Ego is a compulsive collective thinking keeps oneself always unhappy by its thoughts or through action. That is the very purpose of it’s existence. Ego is a formless form, which gets energy only when one identifies with it. When it gets energized, it manifests itself to take oneself to a state of unconsciousness into a world of delusion.

Purity of ego is a relative state in which, one experiences it, being with other. Otherwise, ego is an ego with no colors to it.

Every human being is bestowed with will power and intelligence to guide through this evolution. He is different through this evolution. He is different from other beings because of these attributes. Ego plays an important role to enhance or subdue these attributes, which helps or negates a being to take on challenges of the world. Some are successful and some struggles.

Our state of consciousness creates our outer world. If there is no change in our inner state, we keep creating the same outer world in different form. This is the reflection of our egoistic world.

Your inner voice is a friend and foe. Both are bad for spiritual evolution, as it the trick the ego plays. Give no heed to it or identify with it. You will find a conscious space filled with peace between your true self and it.

Do not work to destroy the Ego, because of it’s existence gives a sense to a being that he is alive. Our inner awareness lights the darkness created by ego and it will subdue it to a state not to mask true self or consciousness.

Life in the World of duality is not difficult, when one understands that ego is not the driving force for him to live. Once, that awareness comes ego turns into a light revealing God in us. A journey in the mother’s womb will continue living life of surrender, even after our birth. Our mother is the ultimate spirit.


Written by : Ramesh Kumar K (Founder & Managing Trustee Aikya-Oneness Foundation)

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